a colorful logo for down syndrome cheshire with a flower in the middle .
a blue background with a stack of coins and the word donate .

EMPLOYABILITY                          & LIFE SKILLS

Supporting adults with Down syndrome          to find work experience, paid employment,  and develop life skills.


  • Nurturing ambitions and achieving goals

  • Nurturing ambitions and achieving goals

  • Nurturing ambitions and achieving goals

  • Nurturing ambitions and achieving goals

  • Nurturing ambitions and achieving goals

  • Nurturing ambitions and achieving goals



Paid Employment

Lucy is our employment and life skills coordinator and liaises with our members to understand their skills & interests and then match these to appropriate vacancies to create paid employment opportunities.  If you know of any vacancies that may be appropriate or are a business with current employment opportunities, then don't hesitate to get in touch with Lucy here.

See Josh's story

Independent Businesses

As part of her role, Lucy assists our members in bringing their business ideas to life.

If you have an enterprise idea and want to contact Lucy, email us here.

See Joe's story

See Mark's story

Gain work skills

Life skills sessions are offered in our community hub together with bespoke numeracy and literacy courses designed to support our members into employment.

See below for current work experience opportunities for our members.  To apply for any of these, please download and complete the relevant application form and return it to us, either in person or as an attachment via email.

See Gina's story


Our board of young adults with Down syndrome meet monthly and have access to easy-to-read documentation and scribe support so that they can express their views on how they can live the life they choose. For more information or to join the group email us here.

Enterprise role description Download enterprise application

Organisations we work with.

two logos for people 's postcode lottery and postcode neighbourhood trust
the logo for pohwer voices heard lives empowered
the logo for the cheshire community foundation is blue and black .
two logos for the health lottery and people 's health trust
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